About us

At HRQ we are offering complex solutions specialized in human resources and consulting.

Pomáhame klientom aj zamestnancom rásť

We are offering complex solutions that increase competitiveness of our clients and in compliance with employees needs.
Our services
3.000+ Annually employed employees
2800+ Monthly processed payrolls
800+ Employees directly from third countries
3 krajiny Currently we operate in Slovakia, Czech Republic and Poland
Výhody spolupráce

Výhody spolupráce

Provision of complex HR services

  • Provision of specialists from internal HR and recruiting agencies.
  • Thorough analysis of forthcoming legislation changes and proposal of implementation prior their effect date.
  • Cooperation with various ministries of Slovak republic for clients projects implementations.
  • Cost management for payroll and HR department, information systems, education, health and safety, fire prevention, GDPR, operational costs and legal services.
Robíme to zodpovedne

Robíme to zodpovedne

We are the holder of

  • Povolenia Sprostredkovateľa zamestnania za úhradu a Agentúry dočasného zamestnávania na Slovensku č. AA/2011/41144/13290 /OPČSSZ
  • Povolenia Agentúry dočasného zamestnávania v Českej republike č. MPSV-UP/20387/12/ÚPČR/4 a Sprostredkovateľa zamestnania za úhradu č. MPSV-UP/20386/12/ÚPČR/4
  • Akreditácie Ministerstvá školstva k lektorskej činnosti a Certifikát ISO 9001:2008

We are a member of

  • Združenie pre rozvoj investícií – Investment Support Association (ISA)
  • Asociácie priemyselných zväzov SR (APZ SR) a Zväz elektrotechnického priemyslu SR (ZEP SR)