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Employees from third countries

Employees from third countries

This division operates since 2016 and specializes in provision of qualified workers from EU and Non EU countries, such as Vietnam, Ukraine and India.

Provision of foreign workers includes

  • Pre-selection of suitable candidates – client can participate  in selection process in given country,
  • Recruitment and selection of employees is organised in cooperation with government and non-governement institutions ,
  • Preparation of documents for short term stay and work visa application ,
  • Booking an appointment at embassies and/or immigration police dept,
  • After visa is isssued we organise the transport directly to the clientś site, where the candidate commences his employment .

During the employment and stay of third country workers we provide:

  • Consultancy for the clients ,
  • Cooperation with Police, Immmigration Offices and Labour offices ,
  • Legal consultancy for employees, for example change of accommodation, etc
  • Education and learning of local language – as per client´s request,
  • Adaptation onboarding process and cross-culture trainign,
  • Upon employment termination sign off at authorities and transport back to the country of origin,
  • Coordination and interpretation services as needed.

Training prior arrival to the destination, adjusted as per client´s needs.

All processes are fully in accordance with current legal requirements and legislation and with support of relevant authorities.

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